Guest Post: "How Should Email Marketers Handle Click Metrics?" (

“They’re digging in the wrong place!”

In this uneasy post-MPP-launch period (early 2022), one consistent theme to email marketing articles/tweets/punditing is “we should be focused on clicks anyway.” Makes sense; clicks are a big signal. Your relationship with the recipient, and your campaign content, have inspired them to act, exiting the email client for the actionable, scriptable, even-more-measurable Land of Web/App.

If a website click is a valuable step for your business, it’s worth following this simplified technical thread of events.

  • You send User X an email (with permission, of course).

  • They open and read it, and are compelled to click or tap some element in the message.

  • The click launches a browser, switches the active application from email to browser

  • The browser fetches and renders the web page at that address.

If clicks are moving to the fore as an email metric, and your email data are not flowing into the system where other website actions are measured…are your click metrics returning full value?

Matthew Dunn