Guest Post: "AMP for Email: Nope" (

Will AMP for Email survive the Privacy Wave — consumer awareness, public scrutiny, regulatory action, and changes in the technical landscape around data and control? I think not.

Being in email is a bit like driving an old car. You love the thing — admit it — but the big screens and shiny toys in newer models are k-i-i-i-nda cool. Ever since websites started going interactive, email folks have been jonesing for some kind of “interactivity” of their own. 

AMP for Email is the latest, and (in some ways) most ambitious attempt to scratch that itch. AMP for Email does enable cool interactive functions and content controls that are new for email. There’s been some traction, and a small ecosystem of companies that have supported adoption. 

I don’t think open-source-or-not is really the focal issue with AMP for Email, though; open-source is one thing, and standard is quite another. (I went “on the record” over a year ago with some reservations about AMP for Email. In case you’re curious — Google never responded.)

Is AMP for Email an “email standard.”? No.

Matthew Dunn